Read this article from the NY Times, then do your own research and decide, "Is the average American voter ready for a government run system of Universal Health Coverage?"
This Blog is designed for Mr. Pye's AP Economics classes. It is meant to show that Economics is not just a vocabulary word in some textbook, rather it plays a vital role in every aspect of our daily lives.
In my opinion, after reading the article as well as several other articles, some published in America as well as some published in Canada, I don't believe that America is ready for Universal Healthcare.
Universal Healthcare does have its advantages. Those advantages namely lie in the fact that health care does become available to all citizens. Another advantage occurs with doctors who are gauranteed to receive payment for their services instead of having to fight health insurance companies at every turn in order to receive their compensation.
However, there are a number of significant disadvantages to a Universal Healthcare system. Looking at Canada as an example, the wait time for health care in Canada is way too high. For all forms of care, no matter how dire or serious, the wait time just to be treated is too long for anyone needing immediate attention. With times ranging between almost 15 weeks in Ontario and up to almost 32 weeks in New Brunswick, the chance that a patient won't even make it to treatment is too high of a percent.
It is not to say that the current system in America is perfect, since it is indeed also flawed. However, I believe that the overall cost for having Universal Healthcare will likely overwhelm the overall benefits in comparison.
I don't believe that Universal Healthcare is something that American voters are necessarily ready for. The same thought came to mind that Jared said and that is that the "guaranteed" healthcare system just does not work as seen in Canada. I recently met someone that moved from Canada and is now attending Elkins and he said that if you had something as "minute" as a common cold or even common asthma you could count on not being able to see a doctor because it would just be pushed to the side.
I don't agree with our current health care system in that last week I was having a constant asthma attack and went in to the doctor and she told me that I must not be using my inhaler correctly. So, as you can see even if we do get this so-called guaranteed Health care coverage will the doctors really be all that interested in their patient's needs?
No I don't think so because it may become avalible for all citizens it still might cost to much for people to afford. Sometimes people don't even get the right health care in time because it takes along time to get to them. So no the U.S. is not ready for Universal health care./
The idea of universal healthcare is definitely something our economy needs. In this situation, everyone wins. People and families that can already pay for health insurance, etc. will be able to do so at a LOWER price, while people and families that are not able to pay their health care at this point in time will greatly benefit because the U.S. government will cover them.
I agree with Jared; Universal Health Care is a bloody awful idea. I lived in a country with it for four years - it was awful. People come from all around the world to receive care in the U.S. why would we want to alter the successful system we already have in place? I can see that more people could benefit from health care, so wouldn't lowering the cost be a better idea? Moreover, who will burden the cost of health care for the new health care recipients?
In short, I do not agree with the proposal of universal health care.
i disagree with anna where she said everyone wins. what about doctors? what about their families? what about all the hard work and schooling they went through to get where they are? my dad is a doctor, and if we had universal health care in america, i hate to say it, my life would change drastically. not only would doctors make significantly less money, there would be no real motivation for people to become doctors.
also, the doctors would not strive to be the best and do their best with every patient if no matter what, they got paid just as much as the next guy.
i can, obviously, see the upside because it would be great if everyone could have health care, but instead we should just make health insurance more available to lower-income families.
I think that universal health care is a good concept but it won't work in America. Although it would provide healthcare for all the type of care you would recieve would not be as good a quality as the ones you would receive. It is unfair that people who cannot afford healthcare do not recieve a high level of treatments as their richer counterparts, but that is just the way America is. Just like with other goods there wil always be people who can afford certain things and people who cannot. We cannot try to meet the needs of every individual becasue that goal will never be acomplished. Although we went to help others, we have to be realistic. America is a capitalist country, and hosptals are private institutions. The hospitals as a business has to pay for its resources and pay its workers. Its goal is to make a profit just like other businesses. The universal healthcare goes against America's capitalist principles.
I think some of the problems are the following:
1. Economics. Treatment is given without informing the patient of the price of treatment. I think this generally is wrong. While there obviously are exceptions like emergency treatment, patients should know how much a treatment costs and be permitted to decide whether they want the treatment or not. If they can't afford it, they'll decline it. Even if they can afford it, they'll ask their provider what benefits they'll get for the price. In order to address this problem, I propose that third-party payments (i.e. direct billing to insurance companies) be BANNED. Also BAN group coverage. Allow insurers to sell single coverage only. Make patients pay themselves and seek reimbursement from their insurers. When the insurer won't pay, the insurer will lose business. Today, this does not happen, or at least not very quickly, because the patients don't even choose their coverage -- their employers do.
2. Tort reform. One issue that has been missed is the wasteful "defensive medicine" caused by malpractice lawsuits. Look at the number of C-sections that get done today -- the increase was caused by doctors and hospitals not being willing to take the risk of not doing a C-section. That's just one example.
With the possibility of lawsuits into the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS because Little Susie has a "less than sightly scar" on her chin from where she split it on her tricycle at 3 y/o...and it has "prevented her from becoming a runway model and significantly damaged her lifetime earning potential"...THESE are the issues that soar healthcare costs.
Even the "not able to pay cases" are many times easier to handle administratively because we are able to do what is necessary without having to fight for every tylenol or use 4x4 instead of 2 opened up 2x2's because they are cheaper.
Healthcare has gone from being a noble profession for the people to target practice for the public. Frivolous use of the judicial system has yet to be adequately quashed against the guy who has chosen to attempt and save your life instead of leaving you on the doorstep to bleed to death or rot from disease.
3. Health care is a commodity, not a right. I absolutely dispute that anyone is entitled to health care, just like I dispute that they're entitled to food or a job or anything else. If you can't afford it, you shouldn't get it unless someone decides to be charitable. Unless we decide as a society that we want to subsidize health care for the poor -- I might do that under some circumstances, but generally it is a bad idea. Health care is like a plate of filet mignon -- not everyone should get that level of health care.
The ideas presented by Dr. Doom (Hilary Clinton) are just another example of the nationalization of a private sector. I know it is in the best interst of a nation to promote a healthy life style and to worry about the health of its people, but universal health care will not work in this country. To many people make money from the medical field and to be short, the American medical division is highly competitive and extremely effective. It has run on its own without the government and i intend to keep it that way. If the government takes control of something, it will fall to the beuracracy that plagues all government instituion. I love my country, but we cannot get anyhting done quickly, and if I need a medical treatment, I want it now, not when it is most convienient for this beast of agency. To some it up, i do not want to pick up the tab on everyone else. I know people far to well and see some pretty stupid stuff going on (ie. smoking, excesive drinking[wares out the liver], not wearing suntan lotion).
I don't believe the United States is ready to follow through on the Universal Healthcare yet because we have also made new ideas to help insure us a stronger country and we havn't been able to even follow through on those. The medical lifestyle is becoming too large in our country and by changing the healthcare, it could also effect numerous amounts of people who have studied 14 years to get a PhD. I am also unsure of the Universal Healthcare because one time Mr. Pye had said the government in Canada would insure you a doctor but you wouldn't be quite sure how experienced or organized the doctor they would send you to.
I think that the best plan for right now would be to work out some sort of middle ground - more universal than what America has now, but not entirely universal, as I don't think Americans can handle that (yet, at least). I'm from England, and one of the things that my parents definitely think is better in England is the healthcare. My parents believe that most healthcare providers in America (doctors, dentists, optometrists, etc) are too interested in making money. My mom stands by this belief so firmly that she only takes us to the doctor if it's absolutely necessary - I've been once in the past six years and I haven't suffered from that - and the doctor isn't necessary every time you get sick, as a lot of people seem to think. And my mom always points out that the expensive hospital care I had after surgery in 6th grade would not be possible for someone without insurance in this country. So while I do agree that America probably isn't ready for Universal Healthcare yet, I think that's the direction we should be moving in.
Oh, and I forgot to type this - I think America sometimes gets too caught up in the fact that they're a capitalistic nation, so they're afraid of anything that doesn't fit into the ideas that go along with that - almost like it would ruin their image or something. The article mentioned that Republicans were unhappy because they say that Democrats are advocating socialism - I think they should be more open-minded. So what if it's socialistic? Maybe it's an idea that could work in the future if they start working out the kinks now. Is socialism necessarily something bad?
Health care has always been a necessity upon society. The idea of Universal health care can not be plausible within the United Sates. We are a capitalistic society, we are not socialists. Sweden is a socialist society. Canada is a socialist society. The Unites States can not just "magically" restart its basis of government.
I agree with what a lot of people have already said... Although Universal Healthcare does have it's few advantages, there are a lot more disadvantages... Waiting to get a doctor at the hospital would take forever. Also since the healthcare is cheaper, the treatments wouldn't be as good (in lack of a better word). Brian Liu also made a good point that healthcare is a commodity. If we just made it available to everyone, poorer families might not have as much motivation to work harder and make more money.
No, i don't think America is ready for Universal Health care because taxes would increase, thus limiting the consumers money they could spend to help our economy.
In my opinion, forcing people to buy anything isn't even a free market economy. While I do support the prospect of healthy citizens, I disagree with being forced to pay for something that goes against the ideals of free market.
A free healthcare system like Canada's, on the other hand, would be a whole 'nother story, but it isn't going to happen anytine soon. When our society is ready to move past stubborness and greed, it will come naturally.
As many have said there are both advatages and disadvantages to universal health care. However, as Sami and Kate have said America is a capitalistic nation and has the idea of free enterprise. It is what gives the U.S. its name. Thus, private investors and hospitals have the right to set up regulations and restrictions, however cruel it may sound. Yes, universl healthcare might insure that everyone has some mdiecal treatmeant, but as Jared mentioned costs for the government will increase. That is a situation that must be avoided at this time So I vote against universal healthcare.
I don't think America is ready for universal healthcare because most people don't trust the government enough to let them run something that is so important and essential to them. This plan of universal healthcare is almost a socialistic idea which is a little scary. Although this idea is nice for those who don't already have healthcare, in the long run I think it would be a bad thing for the United States. Most people want to deal with crucial things such as healthcare on thier own and leave the government to protect thier nation, not their health.
Even though it is a great idea to help out many American families, I do not think that it will improve the overall living in the United States. It would be too drastic of a switch and the American people would not be ready for it. Not to mention many families would have a large chunk of their budget taken away by the government. I do believe this subject is one to look into and try to solve, but universal health care as the government describes it now would not help.
I think that the idea that they are tryin to help everyone out is a good thing but unfortunately I don't see this being the perfect plan just yet. Making universal healthcare would be good in getting low-income families insurance but it would definately have some drastic effects with it that many people would feel very differntly about. I think before anything like this takes effect they should make sure that America is ready for this...in my opinion we aren't right now.
The US is not ready for Universal Health care, in fact, considering the fact that we are a capitalistic society we should not even be considering this. It seems wrong to deny everyone the right to have health care, but as a capitalistic nation, we treat healthcare as any other product that we must purchase. i agree with u guys that this is too close to a socialistic society which is something i do not want for this country.
i agree with what the majority of people have mentioned. Universal heathcare would benefit the people lower on the economic ladder, but their are other alternatives that could be worked out to situate them, instead of offering heathcare totally availible all together. The problem is infact the heathcare might be availble to everyone, but this would mean the services hospitals once offered would have to be alterted and reduced in order to tend to a much larger group of patients. Maybe sometime in the future, but for now, I believe the United States cannot handle universal heathcare.
Universal Healthcare seems like a big step that American Citizens aren't willing to take. Although it seems like a good alternative for all citizens to recieve health care, the same quality won't be provided by doctors to each patient. The wealthier people will recieve better treatment, where as the lower classes which weren't able to afford health care to begin with recive it for free. The change for no health care to free health care would be too dramatic of a shift, and ultimetly difficult to manage in America.
United States is not ready for Universal Healthcare. It is to big of a step for the people in United States. Their has to be a gimmic behind Universal Healthcare.
The United States is ready for Universal Health care because we need a system that can compensate for those people who can not afford current health care costs. By allowing the government to take over the health care system, prices will become more competitive and will better all citizens.
I don't know enough about the little fiddly bits of universal healthcare to give a really educated opinion, but here goes...
Universal healthcare CAN work. It's just a matter of incorporating it slowly and eventually over time. Sure, it's socialist, but as Kate pointed out, is that a bad thing? Are we, as capitalists, "afraid" of big bad socialism? Obviously it work pretty well in other countries and I am blind to any reasons why a socialistic policy cannot (not will not, but cannot) work in our capitalist society.
However. Maudie had a good point that if health care is universal, dr's salaries could go down. These are some more fiddly bits that I'm not focused enough to figure out. But doctors would be in on this universal health care.
So, I guess my overall opinion is that the US is ready for a change. It may not be ready for as large a change as universal health care, but that system is in sereious need of fixing.
It is obvious that the US needs a better way of managing health care, but an universal health care system does not seem to fit the needs of the nation's citizens. If this were in place, medical treatments and procedures would not be as good as it is today, hospitals would be very busy and doctors would not have time to focus on patients, but rather on trying to get them in and out, and this system would take require even more money from citizens. Why spend more money for a system that is worse than our system today? So, while it is true we need a better system, I do not think universal health care is the answer.
Universla Healthcare is a bad idea, for one not everyone can afford it and if we do just provide it for everyone that cant afford it we would just be making them lazier and putting the nation more in debt. Also there would be a huge shortage of doctors and nurses, just like what we studied in supply and demand we will have a high demand for doctors and a limited supply.
Universla Healthcare is a bad idea, for one not everyone can afford it and if we do just provide it for everyone that cant afford it we would just be making them lazier and putting the nation more in debt. Also there would be a huge shortage of doctors and nurses, just like what we studied in supply and demand we will have a high demand for doctors and a limited supply.
I think Universal Health Care would have its benefits because it gives all citizens the advantage of having health care. Some families may not afford to go to an expensive doctor and health care will help them a lot. Like the other students said, it is also a bad idea because doctors will be overwhelmed with patients and it would take a long time for the doctor to attend people. Also, the doctors won't get paid that much, which sucks. I think America isn't ready for it.
I believe Universal Healthcare would work...in a perfect society. It is a good idea, but you do have to wait quite a while to receive attention and you don't receive the best care.
People come from all over the world to the United States for our health care for a reason.
Well based on the information i researched, I feel we are not ready for and we should never consider it. My reasons are base on our social sercuity, medcaid, and medcare. These programs don't do as much as they should. Would you settle for the minimum help for your bills? Would you consider paying for the costs not cover? When you think about the other programs, there are problems where there isnt enough money or too many people to provide for. For example, the baby boomers is going to probaby end our SSI in the furture.
Does FEMA and Katrina ring a bell with anyone? Just in the recent past it has been demonstrated how much of a mess government bureaucracy can make. Expanding federal programs would give the government additional power and responsibilities in a time when it can't handle what it already has. Plus, this universal healthcare would cost the government a fortune that the government simply does not have and should not be spending (anyone remember that debt counter website Pye showed us?). Our governmental system needs to be completely sound before it can be expanded.
Universal health care seems like a good idea and the United States is in desperate need for a change! If this new health care system can help people who have a hard time affording health care today, this idea will greatly benefit America.
I don't think it could work in America. It may be a good idea for another country,but I don't think the American people can benefit. I don't think universal health care would be as good a treatment/quality as the quality you'd get without health care. Universal health care is a good concept because it strives to help everyone. However, there is a difference between getting good-quality treatment and bad quality treatment.
Well I don't know much about how healthcare works, but I don't think the idea of universal healthcare should be abandoned or put aside, maybe we should find some middle ground first. If we start out like that maybe we can get somewhere. I'm not saying I agree with the socialist view, but they are thinking differently and maybe we should too. If we change healthcare a bit or make it more affordable, which is a much simpler idea, more people will benefit and it won't harm doctors' salaries too much right?
Unviersal healthcare would be a great step for the United States. ALot of family lives in Canada and enjoy Universal healthcare's benefits. My mother has complications with her thyroid so she needs a specifi medication called Sythoroid. Here the medication is pricey but in Canada it is free. A tool to help someone live a better life should be free.
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