The prolifically inventive world of Venezuelan baby names may be coming to an end. A bill introduced last week in Venezuela would limit parents of newborns to a list of 100 names established by the government.
This Blog is designed for Mr. Pye's AP Economics classes. It is meant to show that Economics is not just a vocabulary word in some textbook, rather it plays a vital role in every aspect of our daily lives.
Wow, now that was an entertaining article. I highly doubt that limiting a parent's right to name their child to a list of 100 names is going to prevent so called "ridicule." I also don't see the reason that the government would have for attempting to do so. In fact, I can't see almost any logical justification for spending the time to pass a bill that restricts, of all things, the naming choices for parents. It is funny and yet very disturbing.
Hmmm...after reading this, i would like to see somebody argue that more government should be involved in our everyday life. 100 names, for the convienance of a nation? Completely rediculous. Hugo Chavez is insane! I agree some parents go a little over the top and its not the childs fault, the parents jsut have bad taste. But for the government, especially one as inefficiant as Venezuela, to actually regulate something as trivial as a name...Im not exactly suprised, Chavez is so...i cant even put it into words because i'd probably get suspeneded for it, but if it wasnt for oil, he would be a tiny little dictator of a tiny insignificant South American nation. I dont know about you, but if i were the chairman of the CIA, I would hire somebody good, and tell them to make it look like an industrial accident. Before he and his buddies in Tehran and pyongyang decide to make some really stupid decisions. What ever Im completely biased, I cant help it I hate people who like to stir up the pot.
Having long names affects the children the most. People will make fun of their name if it sounds wierd. If they limit the parent to about 100 names for the newborn, it will help. When they go somewhere and it is required to say or even write your name it will be easier on them and the person.
It seems absolutely rediculous to me that a government would go as far as to limit the name choice of one's OWN children, to a list of only 100 names. I mean what are they going to do next? Regualte the amount of words you say in a day so that you can only say 100 words in 24 hours? Unless the government is the one carrying the baby for nine months, or the significant other living with the carrier, they have absolutely no say in what one names their kids. Let them be as crazy or creative as they want. I would say it's their right, but I guess it's not...anymore.
Personally, I think a name is a part of someone's identity. It is something that makes he or she unique and different. Our society today strives off of individuality. It would be crazy to think a parent should be restricted to a slim list of names to be given to THEIR child. A name is a name, and it should be whatever the parent chooses it to be..
I understand that they have an increasing desire for order and control, but seriously, only 100 names to choose from? That's a little insane. Sure, it may eliminate some ridicule, but it is also elminating individual freedom. Names give a person meaning and to take away the opportunity for a parent to name their child whatever they please, really makes you question how much control they actually have over their own child's life.
I know that President Chavez thinks that he is making the right choice for his country, but I do not agree with him. I'm sort of half and half. It's the parents' choice to name their baby, not the government's choice. Parents sometimes pick out unique names like Krishnamerk, Yornaichel, Yurbiladyberth, etc. and it may seem weird to us, but we really have to think as if we were in their shoes. If we were, we'd probably say, "Now, wouldn't that be a nice name for a baby girl?" Or...something like that. We have to think similarly to that to get the gist of naming that baby Yurbiladyberth or whatever. Also, naming the baby Superman or Batman is not really a logical name for a baby. Maybe the parents were on crack or something, I don't know. You really can't take the right to name your own baby away, even if names like Superman happen to appear on a birth certificate. Lastly, I know that these names may seem foreign to us when we hear it in class, and sometimes we do laugh here and there when the teacher or student stumbles over the name, but think about it: If we went to Venezuela, China, India, or wherever and said our name was John Smith, the people of that country would probably laugh, too.
It is scary how much control Chavez takes over the country of Venezuela. I can't belive that the people there would have to be subjected to such an outrageous law. Chavez is clearly overstepping the boundary with this idea and taking way too much power to himsel; hopefully it won't get passed.
That was by far the most ridiculous thing I have read in quite a while... One thing I think that needs to be considered is the fact that these people probably don't understand what the names really mean - not like they are intentionally naming their kid "batman" because they hope that he will wear a cape or fight crime, but more simply it is just a thing they know is popular in the U.S. Any way you slice it this is quite a useless event that Chavez has stirred up.
I can see why Venezuela wouldn't be thrilled about the names of its citizens, but I don't think they have any right to limit parents to 100 names. Yes, it might not be great to have an extremely long name that no one can spell or pronounce, but I would think that the reason kids are getting these names is because their parents don't want them to have a boring, generic name that everyone else has. I can't believe that Chavez is wasting time passing laws over something so petty, though. Does it really affect him, anyway? What a control freak.
This article was very interesting. It is sad to know that the government is taking using their time and effort in order to regulate names of newborns children. It is not only a waste of time and unnecessary, it is insane!
This is when a system of goverment has way to much power and time on their hands. By making parents choose their child's name off a list is pure insanity. Parents by right should have the choice on what to name THEIR child. Yes some names might be a little different but that is what makes things interesting. Plus that specific name could have a special meaning which is why the parents named their child that. I mean how confusing would it be to walk into a classroom or work place and over half of the people having the same name. Things would start to get pretty confusing usless you started calling people by their last names which defeats the purpose of having a first one.
I think its ridiculous that the government would try to limit one's choice of a name. Popular names are goign to change as time progresses, and one man has no right do decide what a baby can be named. If he wants to name kids somethign traditional, he should have kids and name them his choice of names. It is the parents right to decide on their childs name.
I cannot believe that they actually want to narrow down the names of newly born children to a list of a mere 100 names. One could simply walk into a mall and yell "John" and half of the population would respond.
They feel that they are preserving equilibrium and the intellectuality of the developing mind by having them all conform to only a few certain names. Isn't that a little contradictory because are people to evolve by thinking for themselves and becoming their own individual, yet they are also to only have certain names (kind of a stretch- I know). I personally hope that this doesn't pass.
Rachel Wiley
Well, I had no idea how much power Chavez had over the country of Venezuela. I lived there for three years when I was a little girl so I never knew about what went on and this new bill seems outrageous to me, yea it's true that weird and long names are hard to pronounce..I have a long name and it's not even in spanish, it's nahuatl, a native language from Mexico so not even people who speak spanish always get my name right. I know what it's like to have to repeat my name over and over anyways this law is dumb, parents have the right to name their kids what they want, but it stinks that some kids have names like superman...spiderman is better.
That sounds like it might get confusing:
During class the teacher is calling roll, "Raul Benitez, Raul Chavez, Juan Dominguez, Juan Fernandez, Raul Gonzales..."
All the kids are going to have the same name, and all stand at the same time, those teachers are in for a time.
How does a man with ideas like this come to power?
Wow, that is sooooo messed up! How can the government make parents choose from a list of 100 BABY NAMES! Not only is that not fair but crazy. Some parents might want to name there child after a dead relative and what if the relatives name is not on the list does that mean you cant honor that person. What about fathers who want to name his son after him, he can't do it because he name is not on the list. THIS IS TRULY UNBELIEVABLE!!!
I think Chavez has to much time on his hands to think of such a law. It is scary how much control he has , but limiting peoples names should not be allowed. A persons name is a part of an individuals freedom and should not be allowed to be taken away.
Limiting parents' choices in regards to baby names, whether it be a list of 100 names or a list of 1000, is absolutely ridiculous. Naming a child is the business of the child's parents. There is no reason that the government should get involved. Plus, you would think that there would be more pressing issues for the government to attend to than regulating baby names.
WOW. this is RIDICULOUS! Talk about taking away rights. first of all, if you are going to go as far as limiting what names people can give their children, at least give more than 100 choices! If you think that your name is common, you have no idea compared to the Venuzuelan people. A name is something totally personal and identifies people, so limiting what parents can name there children takes away part of there individualism and identity. TOTALLY RIDIC.!
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