Sunday, October 29, 2017

Is it time to retire the penny?

Has the venerable $.01 piece outlived its usefulness? Check out the website for some of the arguments in favor of eliminating the penny. What do you think? Also check out this guys hilarious rant against the penny.
The second video is from a guy who loves pennies. Which side are you on?

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Consumer Price Index

The Consumer Price Index is perhaps the most popular of the many price indices calculated by the federal government. It is used to determine Social Security benefits, Cost of Living Adjustments, and the amount of certain taxes that are paid. The Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland has a neat educational tool known as the
"drawing board" on their website. Watch the following video (Click on post title to go to video) and in your post you must do two things.
1) Come up with a legitimate higher order thinking question over material covered in the video.
2) Provide an answer to someone else's question that they posted. (In your answer be sure to list whose question it is you are answering.)
3) Once someone's question is answered it is no longer usable by anyone else.

My Question #1"How is the Economy like Goldilocks?

Sunday, October 08, 2017

Illegal Immigration; Not an Economic Debate

Check out this article by Jason Welker about the Economics of Illegal Immigration. It is a refreshing take on an issue that has gotten a great deal of publicity recently. What are your thoughts after reading the article? Is this different from what you have been hearing from both the Republicans and the Democrats lately? Leave your comments before NEXT Sunday at midnight.

Sunday, October 01, 2017

Is Paying Kids for Grades a Good Idea?

There have been several experiments by school districts at paying students for attendance, good behavior, and good grades. The most recent attempts in Washington, D.C. and New York City have shown some promising results. Money is a powerful incentive. Click on the title link, read the article and leave your thoughts about "money for grades." Posts should be 50-75 words.